The Importance of Ship Welfare Visitors

Helping to combat hunger at sea.

In the vast expanse of the world's oceans, a hidden workforce keeps global trade flowing smoothly - the Seafarers. They work tirelessly on ships often for months at time, face numerous challenges and risks while away from the comforts of land and loved ones.  Among the challenges they encounter are food poverty and corruption, which can have profound impacts on their well-being and overall safety. This is where Ship Welfare Visitors and Pastoral Care plays a crucial role in ensuring the welfare and protection of seafarers.

Ship Welfare Visitors, whether charity-based or employed by the company, are dedicated professionals who work onboard vessels to promote the physical and mental well-being of seafarers. They act as a vital link between the crew and the ship's management, offering support, guidance, and advocacy when needed. With food poverty and corruption being prevalent issues in the maritime industry, these ship visitors have a crucial role in addressing these challenges and creating a safe and fair working environment.

Liverpool Seafarers Centre had the great privilege of being featured in two BBC podcasts that shed light on these challenges and obstacles that seafarers encounter. 

John Wilson, Chief Executive of Liverpool Seafarers Centre said:

"There is a lack of awareness within our industry regarding food poverty at sea. Frequently, we encounter ships in port that face genuine food shortages, often due to corruption targeting their food supplies. Fortunately, thanks to the generous contributions from our local community in Liverpool and beyond, we are able to provide food parcels to ensure that the crew receives the sustenance they require. Additionally, small acts of kindness, like offering a simple chocolate bar, can have a profound impact on lifting someone's spirits."

Food poverty onboard ships is a pressing concern that directly affects the health and morale of seafarers. Long hours of work and limited access to fresh and nutritious food can lead to malnutrition and other health issues. By actively addressing this issue, Ship Welfare Visitors not only improve the physical well-being of seafarers but also contribute to their overall job satisfaction and productivity.

Corruption, unfortunately, remains a persistent problem within the maritime industry. Seafarers may face situations where they are subjected to extortion and bribery. Ship Welfare Visitors and Pastoral care can play a crucial role in combating corruption by providing a safe space for seafarers to report incidents and seek assistance. They act as a confidential point of contact, ensuring that cases of corruption are properly investigated and appropriate action is taken. By actively addressing corruption, Ship Welfare Visitors help towards maintaining a fair and ethical working environment, safeguarding the rights and dignity of seafarers.

In addition to addressing food poverty and corruption, Ship Welfare Visitors also provide a range of other services to seafarers. They offer emotional support, counselling, and access to recreational activities to promote mental well-being. They assist seafarers with personal and family matters, including communication with loved ones back home. They also ensure that seafarers are aware of their rights.

The role of Ship Welfare Visitors is indispensable in ensuring the welfare, safety, and dignity of seafarers. Their efforts in addressing food poverty onboard ships and combating corruption contribute to a fair and equitable working environment for all. It is essential that the maritime industry recognises the importance of these professionals and provides them with the necessary resources and support to carry out their vital work effectively. By doing so, we can ensure that seafarers receive the care and protection they deserve while keeping global trade afloat.

Listen to the featured BBC Podcasts at: 

BBC Podcast: Hungry at Sea - 

BBC Podcast: Corruption at Port -

Liverpool Seafarers Centre .

Charity based in Liverpool to provide a safe haven for travelling seafarers.

Crew Welfare Hub Opening for Summer Cruise Season


BBC Sounds Podcasts